Why Team Building is Important: Great Activities to Create Team Loyalty

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You can feel it when a team is strong and each member genuinely supports and trusts one another. It’s like an invisible magnet pulling everyone towards a common goal, keeping them united in purpose.

That’s what every business owner hopes for — a team environment where communication flows easily, mutual respect never wavers, and conflicts are resolved collaboratively.

The challenge? To achieve this dynamic, your employees must build a bond and learn the skills and techniques required to be successful team players. Let’s look closer at the importance of team building and how employers can foster it in the workplace.

Why Team Building is Important 

Countless desirable outcomes stem from a well-functioning, cohesive team. Ask any employer, and they’ll tell you their business performs best when the people they’ve hired work together effectively.

75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as “very important, ” proving it’s essential to any venture’s success. But what specific advantages can you expect to see as you strengthen your team? How will you measure the impact of your team-building efforts?

Business owners have these common questions about why team building is important, and we’ve got the answers! Keep scrolling to learn more.

Benefits of Team Building 

Team building isn’t just about throwing employees into a room with trust falls and hoping for the best. It’s a strategic effort aimed at enhancing collaboration, boosting morale, and improving overall productivity within a team.

That means you’ll need to see a return on investment from your team-building exercises. Otherwise, you’ll just spin your wheels and question why team building is important.

Here are the top benefits you can expect from team building:

Improves Communication

Did you know that nearly 70% of employees would be more productive with effective communication in the workplace? Just think about what that could mean in terms of business performance. For context, organizations with effective communication see 47% percent higher returns.

Team building exercises allow employees to practice active listening, conflict resolution, empathy, and negotiating in controlled, less stressful situations. Learning each person’s communication style is an excellent opportunity, significantly increasing mutual understanding between team members.

Enhances Collaboration 

It’s impossible to answer the question, “Why is team building important in the workplace?” without highlighting the need for collaboration in a business environment. Teamwork allows employees to efficiently allocate tasks based on individual strengths and skills. Projects fall behind when that doesn’t happen, and the business pays the ultimate price.

Additionally, companies that promote collaboration reduce employee turnover rates by 50 percent due to increased job satisfaction — and we all know how expensive it is to seek out, find, and hire new team members. Team building activities are ideal for cultivating collaborative environments where employees work together to meet goals.

Increases Productivity 

Few other factors validate team building importance more than its impact on productivity. That is where the rubber meets the road for most managers, CEOs, and business owners. They want to know if their investment in team-building initiatives will pay off in terms of increased employee performance.

If you feel the same, you’ll be pleased to know team building activities tend to improve overall employee performance by 20-25 percent. Remember, these activities involve strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and adapting to change — skills directly translating to better productivity within most roles.

Plus, team building is excellent for sparking motivation and enthusiasm, inspiring your employees to put in their best effort.

Builds Trust and Relationships 

The ultimate purpose of team building is to strengthen interpersonal relationships within the workplace. Simply put? It’s about getting to know one another!

The closer we feel to the people we work with, the more we care about our success as well as their success. So when your employees experience shared laughter, “aha” moments, and collaborative wins during team-building activities, they establish meaningful relationships that will motivate them to show up for one another — and that’s the secret to a high-performing workplace!

Boosts Morale and Motivation 

Happy employees are engaged employees. Part of the purpose of team building activities is quite simple — creating moments of laughter and smiles. 

Every work environment and professional role comes with some stress, so your employees will inevitably feel burnt out or overwhelmed at some point. Providing opportunities for release in the form of fun team-building exercises shows them you care about how they’re doing and prevents unwanted issues like absenteeism or disengagement.

Types of Team Building Activities

u’re not wondering “Why is team bonding important?” anymore, but you may be wondering where to start. Many professionals new to leadership positions or haven’t organized team-building exercises before struggle with choosing activities for their employees.

They often have questions like:

  • How do I know which team-building exercises are most effective?
  • Which exercises best support our company’s team building purpose?

To help you get started, we’ve included some ideas in this guide!

Icebreaker Activities 

We’ve all met someone for the first time and wondered what we should say or ask them to keep the conversation going. These situations come with an awkward silence and uncertain glances as you attempt to scroll through the Rolodex of topics in your mind.

Icebreakers take the embarrassment out of first-time introductions by providing participants with pre-planned conversation topics to discuss or exercises to engage in. No thinking is required!

The game “Two Truths and a Lie” is an excellent icebreaker example. For this activity, each team member takes turns sharing two truths and one lie about themselves. The rest of the team then has to guess the lie. It’s a great way for coworkers to get to know each other and encourages active listening and observation!

Problem-Solving Exercises 

Problem-solving exercises are a training ground where your employees can experiment with different approaches and learn from their collective experiences — like a masterclass in adaptability and resilience!

Escape rooms are the perfect problem-solving activity. Each is a fun, high-pressure experience that demands creative thinking, effective communication, and quick decision-making. By the time your team escapes, they’ll have learned valuable lessons about how to adapt and collaborate in challenging situations. 

Outdoor Adventures Activities

Employers often focus on benefits like improved productivity or reduced absenteeism when considering “Why do team building activities?” It’s also important not to overlook the more obvious positive outcomes— like getting away from the office!

We all need a breather now and then. Outdoor adventure activities allow your employees to break out of their cubicles, get some fresh air, and connect with their coworkers in an enjoyable, lighthearted environment. 

It’s also an excellent opportunity to brainstorm new ideas, gain creative inspiration, and express your gratitude as a leader. We recommend outdoor activities like scavenger hunts, paintball, or capture the flag!

Team-Building Workshops 

Facilitated team-building workshops take a more structured approach to strengthening connections within the workplace. A professional tailors the activities and discussions to your team’s specific needs and goals while realigning them with your company’s vision for the future.

These professionals use various techniques and exercises to transform your group into an unstoppable team. Whether it’s active listening circles, role reversal exercises, or debriefing sessions, they have the expertise to create long-lasting, positive change.

Importance of Team Building: Ongoing Training 

We’ve covered why team building is important and discussed potential exercises you can use. There’s one last crucial point to make — the need for ongoing training when it comes to team building.

Remember, the average company turnover rate was 47% in 2022. Teams constantly evolve and change, so a single team-building exercise isn’t enough to maintain high-level collaboration and productivity over time. Fortunately, a proactive approach to team building can prevent a decline in these critical areas.

Here are a few ways to maintain your momentum: 

Remote Team Training

Remote team training is far less expensive than in-person sessions or out-of-office excursions. Plus, they’re easier to plan and coordinate within a short period. Regularly scheduling virtual team training opportunities allows you to check in with your employees, build meaningful relationships, and address any needs or concerns.

Inclusivity and Diversity Training

It can’t be overstated how critical it is to consider inclusivity when pondering, “What does team building do?”. Employees who participate in team-building exercises are more likely to interact with coworkers from outside their respective departments or physical office areas. That encourages mingling and getting to know people they may not otherwise gravitate towards.

We recommend focusing on diversity and inclusivity during a team-building session to maximize this benefit. Encourage your teams to have open, respectful, and meaningful conversations about their lived experiences and teach them how to challenge any unconscious biases they may have.

Data and Security Training 

When you invest in data and security training, you’re not just ensuring your employees practice cyber hygiene in the workplace. You also empower them with the knowledge required to keep their data safe in their own lives. That allows them to take action as a unified front against potential attacks or breaches.

Team Building Metrics

Last but not least, every company needs to be able to measure the results of its team-building efforts. It’s the only way to determine what’s working and what isn’t! We recommend tracking strategies below:

Key Performance Indicators

Metrics like project completion times, absentee rates, and employee satisfaction scores are all excellent indicators for measuring the impact of team-building activities. Before beginning team training, note these metrics so you can see improvements as they happen.

Feedback and Improvement 

Gathering feedback from your team — whether good or bad — is extremely helpful in fine-tuning your team-building strategy. You can use email surveys or old-school suggestion boxes to gather input. Once you have it, review their responses and adjust your plan accordingly.

Book Your Next Team Building Event at Paranoia Quest

Team building is crucial because it fosters collaboration and cohesion among team members. By participating in shared activities and exercises, individuals develop trust and open lines of communication. This trust is essential for effective problem-solving and conflict resolution, as team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns.

Ultimately, team building contributes to a positive work environment, reducing turnover and increasing job satisfaction. It strengthens the foundation for a high-performing team, which is vital for achieving organizational goals and success.

Take your team out of the office and into a dynamic, immersive environment that will challenge and unite them like never before. Take them to one of our top-rated escape rooms! Book your team-building event in Atlanta today!

We offer numerous team-building packages so you can find the right fit for your crew. We’re also happy to work with you to create a customized team-building experience that meets your specific needs. Just ask about our personalized packages! 

Let us know the best way to accommodate your needs, and book your adventure today!

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