Corporate Parties: Secrets to Success

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With Thanksgiving come and gone and Christmas right around the corner, we are barreling toward an event that is every bit as reliable as St. Nick making his rounds on Christmas Eve: corporate parties. These holiday shindigs run the gamut from a snoozefest held in the office, with the only perk being white elephant gift exchanges and an open bar, to legendary outings at amazing destinations, like Google renting out Disneyland for a night of fun just for employees. So before you start hanging mistletoe over the secretary’s desk and making a run to the liquor store, consider doing something a little different this year; your employees work hard, so don’t they deserve a holiday party that truly says “thank you”? This year, plan your corporate parties at a place that is not only fun, but will bring your employees closer together – book an escape room at Paranoia Quest!

Corporate parties – the fun way!

corporate parties_pqescaperoomThe first step in planning corporate parties that rock the house is picking the day and making the arraignments. Depending on where your office is, Paranoia Quest has a location relatively nearby. Our Atlanta location is located near Georgia State in the city, and our Buford location is up I-85 near the Mall of Georgia. Both locations offer something different, but no matter your taste, you can find an escape room that will be a perfect fit for anyone’s corporate event or office party. We offer themes including jail breaks, hunting witches, escaping and preventing the zombie apocalypse and even a game based entirely in virtual reality. Your staff will enjoy a great team building experience while making memories in a fun and out-the-box way. You can check Atlanta’s games here, or click here for Buford’s lineup. No matter the location, there is something to fit corporate parties for any type of business.

What Makes the Perfect Corporate Parties?

  • Interesting activities – For a corporate party to be enjoyable employees should have the opportunity to participate in activities that are both fun and intellectually stimulating. Forgo the normal bingo game and choose to solve a mystery instead.
  • corporate parties_should be interestingGoing Off Campus – Your staff is in the office everyday, a corporate party off campus at another location livens the mood and offers the team a way to loosen up. Bonding greatly increases when the bonds of office walls is out of the picture.
  • Forgoing the Company Attire – Most employees are forced to dress the part each day. Whether via a office attires, suit or uniform, give employees a break from the standard. Make your company a “come as you are” event so everyone will feel comfortable while escaping the zombie.
  • Feed Everyone Well – Company parties are the opportunities for business owners to really show their appreciation. Plan your event to include great food. Whether by catering into one of Paranoia Quest’s group event rooms or by choosing a restaurant close to one of our locations, you can reward a great escape with fantastic food afterward.

corporate parties_excitingParanoia Quest’s escape games offer 60 minutes of fun team building that is the stuff legends are made of. Offering teams the opportunity to discover new strengths, build skills and bond as a team, escape games offer the perfect environment for your corporate party. Both Paranoia Quest locations offer rooms for catering and socializing as well as plenty in the surrounding area for food and drinks to top off the night. Any restaurant near either location would be more than happy to book a room for a private party, so planning your escape room adventure first and your eating and drinking for right after will provide a night your employees won’t soon forget.

Time is running out on booking your holiday office party!

With spaces filling up fast, the time is now to book your epic, escape room-corporate party. Call Paranoia Quest’s Atlanta location at 678-828-4410 or the Buford location at 678-288-6555. You can also book a room online for either location, so secure your spot today!

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